Recently I have been having great success with a color collector from Dr. Loren G Hill of Spike – It Outdoors. My fish catching has amazed friends and family with this simple to use hand held color collector. Recently in Minnesota I was using a white spinner bait and could not catch a fish. I than dropped the color collector in the water and it said to go with a lime green color. My partner and me switched to lime green and we started to hammer the fish. When we got back to the camp the rest of our party could not believe how well we did.

How color affects fish. Color has been proven to be important in the life of a fish. Fish rely on color for food selection, mating behavior, self defense and shelter. It has been proven that fish can distinguish all colors of the electro- magnetic spectrum from violet to red. When purchasing a color collector you receive some simple to use steps and information about fish that I never new existed.

Once you put the batteries in your color collector and mark the drop cord with depth marks and read the instructions you’ll be ready to use it.

The instructions are easy to read. It will give you colors for clear, stained or muddy waters even at the desired depth your fishing at. Personally I will not go fishing without it. I have really seen my catching success rise. I’m not saying that the fish are going to jump in the boat but I feel that this hand held computer is a useful piece of equipment.

-Wild Bill-

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